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Origins and Identity

The University of Security in Poznań (WSB)  was founded on December 17 th , 2004, by an ordinance of the Ministry of National Education and Sport (decision no.: DSW-3-4001-972/WB/04) and registered as a non-public university-level institution on February 11th 2005 (decision no.: DSW-3-4001-05/JG/05) – which, at the same time, is the day when the school commenced its educational activities.

The University of Security was founded by Sartoux Mouans (LLC), however, a range of academics and professionals framed the school’s curriculum and defined its teaching goals. Major contributors, among others, were research fellows at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and Poznań Economics Academy (present name: Poznań University of Economics) as well as officers and academics at Stefan Czarniecki Military Academy in Poznań and Tadeusz Kościuszko Land Forces Military Academy in Wrocław. The purpose of inviting the abovementioned academics and professionals to participate in the process of creating WSB was to achieve a new dimension of teaching quality marked by values, ethos and solidity. Worthy of note, many of the intellectual co-founders, except for holding high professional qualifications as well as vaunting many academic and didactic achievements, also had the valuable knowledge and experience of managing a higher education institution.

The initiative of founding  the University of Security received a very positive response. The idea was supported by local governments, schools and businesses, which may be suggestive of the school profile’s high compatibility with the today’s labour market demand. Further, the interest in the school’s curriculum reveals the growing social need for an institution which would encourage and cultivate safety education and follow the eternal yet often forgotten values such as honour, dignity, parole and responsibility.

The school’s main activity is providing undergraduate as well as postgraduate taught programmes such as  National Security Internal Security Pedagogy and Management. WSB alumni will have the knowledge of social pathology prevention, internal and national security issues as well as the ability to realise security-promoting projects.

Moreover,  the University of Security is the first Polish and one of few European institutions whose curriculum encompasses the issues of personal security and whose goal is to equip students with skills which would render them highly attractive on the European labour market. Importantly, the school’s graduates have the potential of becoming  Poland’s first professional safety managers. Indeed, WSB is the first institution of higher education training safety professionals and promoting security on personal, domestic and national level.

The University of Security is an institution with a holistic approach to students, i.e. it is concerned with students’ professional and personal growth – aims which are realised through encouraging student participation in various personal and social security projects. Undoubtedly, the issues of personal and social safety are the school’s main research and consultancy areas. Additionally, WSB seeks and values students’ active involvement in all its projects.  Finally, the school builds up its reputation and traditions on the basis of its educational successes and pro-social activities.

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